An entry about a topic does not necessarily represent agreement about the topic.  For example, Heidema and Kies criticize the Amsterdam school but appear under that topic; Benson and Priestly criticize numerology but appear under that topic.  In the main listing after author affiliation, the letter s, a, or i indicates a member of the AMS, the MAA, or SIAM respectively, from the 1979 Combined Membership List.


I. Integration concerns—general

      a. Christianity and the scientific method

      DeVries [1981b], Hooykaas [all], Jaki, Jeeves [1969], Mascall, Neidhardt, Neuhouser [1973b], Pollard [1970], Ramsey [1964], Schilling, Stephens

      b. Integration of faith and learning

      Gaebelein [1954], Heie [19801], Lay [1973], Lipely [1973], Montzingo [19741, Pollard [1961], Stephens [19731, Whalen

      c. Mathematics and philosophy of science

            1. General

                  Heie [1979, 1981], Spradley [1977], Stuermann

            2. Physics, time (see also IVe below]

                  Clarke [1974], Jaki [all], Neidhardt [all], Stafleu [all]

            3. Complementarity

            Benson [n.d.], Bube [1956], Chase [1979, 1981, t.a.],  Kuyk [all], MacKay [all], Neidhardt [1967]

      d. Historical approach

      Brabenec [1977b, 1978], Doyle, Henry [all], Kent, Kuyk [1970a], Muggli, Murdoch, Neidhardt [1964], O'Connor, Perciante [all], Spradley, Stafleu [1978], Strauss [1977a], Sweeney, Zeller

      e. Mathematics education

      A Beka Books [all], Barrett, Baylis [1977], Brabenec [1983b], Boonstra [1971], Boonstra & Zwier, Boonstra et al., Brondsema, Brown & Lukinsky [1970], Campbell, Conway & Ashley, Crowley & Hinchey, Fakkema, Gaydos, Heie [1977, 1983], Hengstman, Jongsma [1975, 1980a], Jongsma & Baker [1979, t.a.], Koteskey [1976], Kuyk [1970a], LeMieux, Lueken, Marie, National Union of Christian Schools, Peterson, Snook, Sullivan [1944, 1946, 1947], Tu1s Van Brummelen [all], Vander Klok [all], Zeller, Zwier [all but 1981b & 1983]

      f. Popular

            1. General

                  Alberda [1975, 1977], Hatfield [1972, 1973, 1977], Riordan

            2. Personal testimony

                  Bancroft, Campbell, Dreibelbis, Laatsch, Price, Stewart [1976]

            3. Prayers/poems

                  Chase [n.d.], W Weaver


II. Christian influences on philosophy of mathematics

      a. General works

      Brabenec [1971], Byrne [1961, Garber, Gauch, Hampton, Hartzler [1949], Heie [1979, 1980?, 1981], Henry [all], Holmes [1977], Jongsma [1980a], McShane, A W Roberts [1977], Tol, Tol & Kraay, [1968a, 1969b], Verno [all]

      b. Calvinistic approaches

            1. General

            Antonides, Boonstra et al., Brink, Jager, Tuls, A Veldkamp, Verno, Zwier [1983], Zwier & Boonstra

2. Amsterdam school

Alberda [1977], Chase [1979, 1981, t.a.], Dooyeweerd [1955], Heidema, Jongsma [1980b], Kies, Kraay, Kuyk [all], Marshall, Popma, Poythress [all], Stafleu [all], Strauss [all], Tol & Kraay[all] , Vo1lenhoven [all], Zwier [1983]

      c. Thomistic approach

J F Anderson, T C Anderson [all], Benze'cri, Burrell, Catalano, Collingwood, Conway & Ashley, Doyle, Dumitriu [1974], Fay, Greenwood [all], Hoenen, Kennedy, Kent, Larguier [all], Malatesta, Maziarz, McWilliams, Nijienhuis, O'Grady, Sikora, Simmons, Simon, V E Smith, Sullivan [all], Wellmuth, Whittaker, Winnance

d. Process theology

            Benson [1981], Henry [all], O'Keefe


III. Mathematics to defend, clarify, or influence Christianity

      a. To understand, defend, clarify Christianity

Adey, Barnhart [all], Chase [1977], Dobbins [19721, Fritz, Grove, Harvey, Marie, Mitchell, Murtoff, Neuhouser [all], Riordan, Rorabaugh, A Veldkamp, Wareham, J Weaver, Wolf

b. To influence Christianity and Christian theology

            Brown [1981], Henry [all], Verno [1968]

      c. To 'subdue the earth'/cultural mandate



IV. Specific mathematics topics addressed

      a. Proof/axiomatics/assumptions

      Carnes, Doyle, Dumitriu [1981], Heie [1981], Kies, H Mitchell [all], Neuhouser [1973a, 1979], G B O'Toole, A W Roberts [1974], Rule, Simmons

      b. Infinity

Barnhart [all], Catalano, Clarke, Dahlstrom et al., Greenwood [1956b], Heidema, Iverson, Murdoch, Runde, Strauss [1974a, 1974b, 1980, 1981a, 1981b], Sweeney, Warner

c. Models/applications/metaphors

      Chase [1977], Hannum [1973], Hatfield [1977, n.d.], Marshall, Poythress [198l], K D Roberts, Strausbaugh, Thomas

      d. Probability/statistics

      Dunn [1972], Gill, Hatfield [1965], Hauger, Lonergan, Koteskey [1976], Montzingo [1981], E J O'Toole, Pollard [1958], Vander Ziel [all], Van Rooijen

      e. Geometry/space/time

      Anonymous [1932], Groen [1962], Jeuken, Popma, Strauss [1980],  J Veldkamp [1967]

      f. Number

            Schutte [19621, Strauss [1970-1, 1980]

      g. Mechanistic approach—computers, artificial intelligence

      Antonides, Faber [1969], Faramelli [1972], Hexam, Jager, Kapple [1967], MacKay [1965, 1980], Marley [1978], Ward, Williams

      h. Symmetry


      i. Game theory

            Brams, Hopkins


V. Specific philosophical topics addressed (including religious, psychological]

      a. Truth

Cassel [1973], Heisey, Koksma [1936], Meyer [1977], Mihram,  Mitchell, Neuhouser [1979], Schutte [1964a], Vigano, Zimmerman, Zook

      b. Paradox

Dilworth [1956], Dumitriu, Neuhouser [1979]

      c. Ontology

Alberda [1975], Bernhart [1979], Greenwood [1956a], Ladriere, Larguier [all], Lonergan, Murdock, Schutte [1964b1, Simon [1965]

      d. Ethics/values

Brown & Lukinsky [1970], Campbell, Hatfield [1973], Heie [1979, 1981], Heisey, Hopkins, Munby, Vander Vennen

e. Metaphysics

Alberda [1977], J F Anderson, Burrell, Kennedy, McWilliams [1937], G B O'Toole, Schutte [1967], Whittaker [1941]

      f. Epistemology

Dubbey [1980], Ladriere [1966], Whittaker [1941]

      g. Bible

            1. General

                  Gitt [1980], Mihram

            2. Numerology

                  Benson [1978], Lucas & Washburn [1977], Priestly [1979]

      h. Language use

            1. Mathematics to clarify language

                  Henry [1976], Iverson [1977]

            2. Mathematics and theology as symbol systems

            DeVries [1981a], Henry [all], Lancashire [1974], Olson, Poythress [1981], Riordan, Temple, Torrance [all], Zwier [1981b]

      i. Concept formation/psychology/creativity

Dubbey [1983], Shank [19711, Kuyk [1979, 1980-1, 1982, 1983a,b1

      j. Freedom/causality

            Ashton, Chase [1977], Gill


VI. Vocational concerns

      Arnold [19711, Lowe [1971]


VII. Humor

      R M Brown, Eves [a11]


VIII. Book-length works

Barnhart [1977, 1980a, 1980b], Brabenec [1977a, 1979, 1981, 1983], Bube [1968, 1971], Dahlstrom et al,, Henry [1976], Kuyk [1970a, 1977], Lonergan, Lucas & Washburn [1977], MacKay [19651, Mascall [1956], Neuhouser [1981a], Pollard [1958, 1961], V E Smith, Stafleu [1980], Sullivan [1952]


IX. Student papers (at Messiah College (no *), Westminster Seminary (*), or Free University (**)

Arley, Dreibelbis, Dykes, Garber, Grove, Harvey, Heisey, H Mitchell [al1]*, Murtoff, K D Roberts, Rorabaugh, Rule, Shank*, Smith, Strausbaugh, Tol & Kraay [1968a]**, J Weaver, Wolf, Zook


X. Not classified yet

      Bakst, A W Conway, DeSilva, Donkin, Gilbert