Journal of the ACMS
Cumulative Indices
Letter from the Editor
Journal of the ACMS, 2006 Issue
Call for a Non-Euclidean, Post-Cantorian Theology
Saburo Matsumoto, The Master's College
Abstract:In this paper I propose a new approach to theology, which I refer to as a "non-Euclidean, post-Cantorian" theology. I first review three accomplishments in modern mathematics with lasting philosophical implications: non-Euclidean geometry, set theory, and the Incompleteness Theorems of Gödel. Since all of these are ideas that came after much of traditional theology had already been formed, I challenge that theology be revisited in light of what we can learn from the mathematical struggles that produced these amazing and counter-intuitive truths. I give some concrete examples and propose that such an effort can make non-trivial contribution in theology and our understanding of biblical truths.
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